Written On: Wednesday, Sep 12 2018

Have you got that ‘back-to-school’ feeling?

Summer is my favourite time of year. Playtime! The garden is at its most abundant and as a self-employed Medical Herbalist and Massage Therapist I’ve been lucky enough to juggle life and work to spend a lot of the summer months outside.

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But I love that ‘new start’ feeling that comes with September. That briskness in the air along with the start of term calls me to look forward. Time to buy some new stationery and make plans.  Dream of what I want to achieve for the rest of the year and into the next year.  And look back at the year so far, see what has worked, what hasn’t and how I’m going to change things.

The perfect time to make changes
While January’s traditionally resolution time, winter isn’t a good time for new starts. September, bursting with nature in full fruit, also heralds change. And hopefully we’re feeling refreshed by the summer and in a much better place to make positive changes.
This year, more than ever, I recognise the importance of taking stock and looking after myself.

I‘ll be honest, I’ve had a shitty year.
What started off really hopeful with some exciting new projects in the pipeline suddenly got railroaded by family ill health and some scary stressful months.  And I lunged from one stress to another reacting to each new issue rather than being able to be pro-active, or take any time for self-care. It was only when friends insisted that I realised I was pushing myself into a wall and had to stop.
So I’ve swapped my September ritual of buying lovely new stationery to getting out foraging for elderberries. I now have a fridge of elderberry syrup full of immune boosting properties ready for the coming months. It’s not too late to make your own – take a look at my recipe.

Time for an Autumn reboot?
It’s as though nature knows it needs to help us out at this time of year. Come the middle to end of September there is always a rush of patients wanting help with coughs, colds, sore throats, and general immune support as all the kids back at school mingle their germs and bring them home to share with the rest of the family.
If, like me, you’re feeling like you want (or need!) to reset your wellbeing this Autumn, I’d love to help you. For a limited time I’m offering an Autumn wellbeing reboot programme, which includes:
A one hour initial consultation, to understand your health, diet and lifestyle
Tailored herbal prescriptions to suit you, as well as lifestyle and self-care recommendations that take account of your needs and preferences
A follow-up consultation to check-in and go deeper if need be
Two further consultations to review progress and ensure any changes are sustainable into the future
Herbal prescriptions adjusted as needed during the course of the programme

This is a fantastic, highly accessible way to reset your health and wellbeing for the long term. Herbs work with your body to make changes from the inside out, so you’re not just responding to the surface symptoms, you’re working at a much deeper level.
If you’re interested in making changes to see you feeling calmer, healthier and brighter into Autumn and beyond, I’d love to hear from you. Take a look a the Autumn Wellbeing Package here  to see if it’s for you.
Feel free to contact me to ask questions and book your place. 


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